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关于印刷方面理论的描述-中英文版本 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2005-12-01

Solder paste is applying for the connection between the mount components foot and PCB pads in the SMT assembly. Solder paste, screen printing, use ways, printing process course will decide the printing quality. And usually we describe the simply course of screen printing as firstly we put the stencil onto the worktable, by mechanical or vacuum clamp ways to reality fixed, then by pins or visual ways to reality aiming, and finally to reality screen printing.

1、印刷工艺过程与设备/Screen printing course & equipment
在手工或半自动印刷机中,锡膏是手工地放在模板/丝网上,这时印刷刮板(squeegee)处于模板的另一端。在自动印刷机中,锡膏是自动分配的。在印刷过程中,印刷刮板向下压在模板上,使模板底面接触到电路板顶面。当刮板走过所腐蚀的整个图形区域长度时,锡膏通过模板/丝网上的开孔印刷到焊盘上。在锡膏已经沉积之后,丝网在刮板之后马上脱开(snap off),回到原地。这个间隔或脱开距离是设备设计所定的,大约0.020"~0.040"。脱开距离与刮板压力是两个达到良好印刷品质的与设备有关的重要变量。如果没有脱开,这个过程叫接触(on-contact)印刷。非接触(off-contact)印刷用于柔性的金属丝网。
Screen printing equipment is the key of quality control during the printing course. There are laboratory and production types in the current market, lab types used for making production models and production type for producing.
To hand printing or semi-auto printing solder is put by hand onto the stencil or screen while the squeegee locates in the other end and to the auto printing solder is distributed automatically by the machine. The following sentences show the whole course of auto printing. The squeegee press the stencil downward makes the stencil bottom reaching to the PCB top side, and then the solder will be printed onto the PCB pads through the stencil hole when the squeegee passes the whole corrosive area of stencil, after solder finished depositing and stencil will snap off then return to the oriental position. The snap off interval and distance was determined by equipment design precision value that is about 0.020"~0.040". The snap off distance and squeegee press are the two most important variables that concerned with the print quality. We describe the on-contact print as if the PCB isn’t separate from the stencil and the off-contact applies for the flexible stencil.

2、刮板类型/Squeegee types

The abrasion, press and rigidity of squeegee determine the print quality. It is acceptable if the squeegee edge is sharp and linear. Low pressure will cause missing and rough edge, and high pressure or soft squeegee will cause speckle print even damage the squeegee or stencil.
常见有两种刮板类型/Two squeegee types:
Polyurethane type: we usually use this type squeegee which rubber value should be 70-90 tested by the durometer.
Metal squeegee: now we introduce another type squeegee—metal squeegee which satisfies for the demands of the appearance of more small pitch components and it is made of stainless steel or brassiness. The metal squeegee has the even shape and its print angle is about 30~45°. It is usually use the lower pressure to avoid excavating the paste from the stencil and other advantage is that less abrasion than the polyurethane type but more expensive and it is also causes the stencil abrasion.

3、模板类型/Stencil Type
The print quality variable includes the hole precision & clearance and the other important variable is the aspect ratio of stencil width and thickness, and the commendatory value is 1.5 to preventing from stencil block. Usually if the ratio is less than 1.5 the paste will stay in the hole, besides, the area ratio of pad and hole-wall more than 0.66 is more important recommended by the IPC-7525/<<The User Guide for Stencil Design>>.
The hole-making process course control the hole precision & clearance and the three ways of making stencil are chemically etched, laser-cut, electroformed.

4、化学腐蚀模板/Chemically Etched Stencil
Metal & flexible stencil was etched by two positive graphics through two sides and the erodent was done in the direction of horizontal and perpendicularity.  
5、激光切割模板/Laser-cut Stencil
The laser-cut stencil is a subtractive process which is basing the Gerber data that is propitious to improve the hole-making precision, besides we can adjust the stencil by changing the Gerber data. And another advantage is that the hole-wall shape is taper. Maybe the chemically etched can form the taper but the hole dimension maybe too big if only etch from one side.
The minimum hole width can reach to less than 0.004” and precision is 0.0005” if we use the laser-cut way so the laser-cut is adaptable for the ultra-fine-pitch print.
The laser-cut will also produce the rough fringe because the metal gas status will be turned into the metal dregs during the course of cutting, and the dregs will also hold the paste. We may get the smooth hole by the hand of micro-etched ways.

6、铸成型模板/Electroformed Stencil

The third ways of making stencil is electroform. Hole forming by the way of nickel deposit onto the copper cathode.


1、免洗錫膏--RMA(Rosin Mild Activated)
〈1〉良好的湿润性/Good capability of wetness;
〈2〉均匀的扩散性/Uniform dispense capability;
〈3〉极佳的印刷性/Well capability of printing;
〈4〉固化后的助焊剂残渣具有极佳的电气信赖性/Good electric reliability of flux after reflow;
〈5〉极佳的表面绝缘抵抗/Well capability of surface insulated;
〈6〉无桥接/No solder bridge;
〈7〉良好焊接性能/Good solder capability;
〈8〉高水溶液抵抗性能/High water-liquid resistance capability;

2、免洗錫膏--RA(Rosin Activated)
〈1〉良好的湿润性/Good capability of wetness;
〈2〉均匀的扩散性/Uniform dispense capability;
〈3〉助焊剂活性高/High activities of flux.
〈4〉固化后的助焊剂残渣具有极佳的电气信赖性/Good electric reliability of flux after reflow;
〈5〉极佳的表面绝缘抵抗/Well capability of surface insulated;
〈6〉无桥接/No solder bridge;
〈7〉良好焊接性能/Good solder capability;
〈8〉高水溶液抵抗性能/High water-liquid resistance capability;

3、无鉛锡膏/Lead-free Paste
〈1〉鉛含量< 0.1 %;Lead content<0.1%
〈2〉多种合金供客户选择/Various metal can be choiced;
〈3〉良好的湿润性/Good capability of wetness;
〈4〉均匀的扩散性/Uniform dispense capability;
〈5〉良好焊接性能/Good solder capability;
〈6〉固化后的助焊剂残渣具有极佳的电气信赖性/Good electric reliability of flux after reflow;

4、产品测试特性值/The test value of specialties:

三、锡膏的正确使用/The correct ways of using paste

1、锡膏使用与保管的基本原则/The use & storage principles of paste:

The basic principle is less contact with the air. It will cause the paste oxidation and lose flux ratio balance if it is exposed for long-time. So it will result in rigidity skin & block and solder balls etc.
<2>锡膏的保存最好以密封形态存放在恒温、恒湿的冰箱内,保存温度为2~8 ℃。锡膏从冰箱中取出时,应在其密封状态下,回到室温后再开封,然后放在搅拌机上充分搅拌,再加到网版上使用。
The best way of keeping solder paste is put it into the refrigerator under the lower temperature of 2~8℃ with the sealed forms. And then take it from the refrigerator until the solder paste is back to the normal temperature with the sealed forms the operator may open it and use.

2、锡膏多次使用时的注意事项/Attentions for more use
  The operator should assure a shorter open time and make the paste be in good sealed status after we have taken sufficient solder paste once. On the other hand it is a wrong way of opening the cover frequently or not covering the solder paste.
  After have taken the solder paste out the operator should assure the inner-cover be in the good status and press it forcedly to push all air between cover and solder paste to making them contact compactness and then tweak the out-cover.
The operator should use the solder paste quickly after it has been taken out.
As soon as finishing screen printing the rest of solder paste should be back into a special vast and the attentions according to the 2nd notes. Don’t mix the rests with the untapped solder past so the operator should estimate correctly the solder paste use volume.
<5>出现问题的处理/Problem treat with。
Don’t mix the solder paste when the operator find it has been rigidity skin & block status and we must remove it.

四、印刷前如何判断锡膏粘度/How to judge the solder paste adhibit.
We should judge the adhibit of solder paste before screen printing by automatic machine or by hand.
Firstly mill the solder paste with scraper about 5~8 minutes(different time for different brand solder paste) then pick some solder paste 10CM above the vast to observe the descent status, if it is uniform shows the adhibit is good for using, if it is the other status shows the adhibit is badly.
五、锡膏印刷缺陷分析/Printing Defects Analysis