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wcsf 2008-10-17 20:59
I would like to share the article on the key skill for an organization in making strategic decision. This article was share with us by my MD for our learning. Hope to learn together with all members here. This is high level skill and very important for a company to succeed

Pls share your thinking and experience (in English or Chinese) about the decision making process/skill of your company. In fact, I am quite a number of thinking and would like to initiate some survey and discussion but my level cannot strat that yet.

nestor 2008-10-17 21:47
在这本书, 有几个非常重要重点,用于组织确定是否更大决策能力:
1 。什么是一种理想适当的决策能力?
2 。是什么奖?
3 。管理的注意在成本是什么?
4 。可贵的是这种追求如何优先安排相对于其他战略?

wcsf 2008-10-17 22:06
nestor, thx for your support and comment. So far you are the 1st. May be this doc english is quite tough for most of the people here. Anyway, thx for your support. Hope more people can participate.

My view as below:

- decision making needs to have adequate info. in my experience, a lot of people making decision without proper/adequate info. simply jump into conclusion and making the wrong decision. Some have info but not analyzed, or bias by the conflict of interest.

- One of the most common weaknesses in China now is that many people dare not make decision because fear of taking responsibility. this is mainly affected by their negative mindset (which needs to be improved/changed for better) that dare not take risk.

In summary, an decision making need to take risk. Risk assessment is done through analysis of adequate info. Final decision made based on calculated risk with dare to take responsibility shall be cultivated. In fact, this will then further affecting the power of execution (whcih is one of the key concern as per ex-CEO Larry Bossidy).

nestor 2008-10-17 22:30
(- decision making needs to have adequate info. 决策需要有足够的信息)
It is suggested to use Brain Stroming, 7QC Tools and PDCA
建议使用头脑风暴, 7QC工具 和PDCA

(-in my experience, a lot of people making decision without proper/adequate info. simply jump into conclusion and making the wrong decision. Some have info but not analyzed, or bias by the conflict of interest. 根据我的经验,很多人决策没有适当的/足够的信息。简单地跳进结论,并作出错误的决定。一些信息,但没有分析,或偏见的利益冲突。)
Aggressive thinker is no different as an Eager

(- One of the most common weaknesses in China now is that many people dare not make decision because fear of taking responsibility. this is mainly affected by their negative mindset (which needs to be improved/changed for better) that dare not take risk. )
Too subjective opinion, unless you have the quantitive data

(In summary, an decision making need to take risk. Risk assessment is done through analysis of adequate info. Final decision made based on calculated risk with dare to take responsibility shall be cultivated. In fact, this will then further affecting the power of execution ..总之,一个决策需要考虑的风险。风险评估工作是通过足够分析的信息。最后作出决定的基础上计算风险不敢承担责任,应培育。事实上,这将进一步影响到权力的执行)
Use 7QC Tools would help for risk analysis

wcsf 2008-10-17 22:38
nestor, I love you (though I am not a girl...ha, but don't feel bad, this is respect!). Really thank you for spending time to translate for the good of the member. I am really sorry for not able to write in chinese, mainly because of computer problem and also the method (never learn pin yin before).


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